Ledger® Live @ Desktop | Security for Crypto

Ledger Live Desktop

Add Accounts

  1. Navigate to Accounts: In Ledger Live Desktop, go to the "Accounts" section and click "Add Account."
  2. Select Cryptocurrency: Choose the cryptocurrency and follow the instructions to synchronize your Ledger device with Ledger Live. This lets you manage your crypto assets within the application.

View Your Portfolio

  1. Portfolio Overview: The "Portfolio" section provides an overview of your cryptocurrency holdings, historical data, and the value of your portfolio over time.

Send and Receive Cryptocurrency

  1. Send Crypto: Go to the "Send" tab, select the account, enter the recipient's address, specify the amount, and confirm the transaction using your Ledger device.
  2. Receive Crypto: Navigate to the "Receive" tab, select the account, and share the provided address with the sender.

Monitor Transactions

  1. Transaction History: Ledger Live Desktop allows you to monitor your transaction history for each account, ensuring accurate record-keeping.

Interact with dApps

  1. Connect to dApps: Use Ledger Live Desktop to securely interact with decentralized applications (dApps). Connect your Ledger device to dApps through the Ledger Live interface for activities such as staking, lending, and more.

Security Best Practices

Secure Your Recovery Phrase

  1. Never Share: Never share your 24-word recovery phrase. Store it offline in a secure location, such as a safe or a secure password manager. It is essential for restoring your wallet.

Enable Passphrase

  1. Extra Security: Consider enabling a passphrase on your Ledger device for an additional layer of protection, creating a hidden wallet accessible only with the correct passphrase.

Regular Updates

  1. Stay Updated: Regularly update your Ledger Live Desktop application and Ledger device firmware to the latest versions. Updates often include security enhancements and new features.

Phishing Awareness

  1. Be Cautious: Always ensure you are accessing Ledger Live from the official website. Avoid clicking on suspicious links and be wary of phishing attempts. Verify URLs and never enter your recovery phrase on any website or application other than Ledger Live.

Use Strong PIN and Passwords

  1. Strong Credentials: Choose a strong, unique PIN for your Ledger device and use robust, unique passwords for your Ledger Live Desktop application. Consider using a password manager to generate and store complex passwords securely.